Friday, July 31, 2009

Papa Angelo meets his granddaughters!

What an exciting day it has been! Dad and CJ flew in from Alabama this morning, so Poppy and Olive got to meet their Papa for the first time! Technically, Dad has 3 biological grandchildren (Olive, Poppy, and Shaefer), 2 non-biological grandchildren (Elly and Jason), and one on the way (Shaefer's brother). Shaefer will probably be visiting tomorrow.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Four weeks old!

Olive and Poppy all dolled up and ready to meet their Great Grandmother Estelle,  and Great Aunt Sandy
Poppop and Olive
Great Aunt Sandy and Poppy
A very proud Great Grandmother!
Lewie, his mom and Olive

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Diane's first post

Poppy's first bath
Poppy enjoyed it much more than Olive
Olive's first bath
Cousin Linda and the girls
Cousin Linda, me, Cousin Toni and the girls

Three Weeks Old

To avoid a violent uprising concerning the lack of new pictures on the blog, I'm going to keep the writing to a minimum and post some EXTRA pictures!  I promise that we'll take some close ups of the girls and post more pictures this week. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Now?

It's so quiet I can't stand it.  "How can it be so quiet when you have 23 day old twins" you ask?  Jill, Olive, and Poppy are spendng the night at Grandmom Diane's house in New Jersey.  I don't really know what to do with myself!  Any suggestions?  I could nurse my broken toe, do laundry, sleep...  I wonder if I'll wake up every 2-3 hours in anticipation of a feeding or diaper change.

What an adjustment these 3 weeks have been.  I may feel buried in diapers and bottles and sometimes I feel like complaining about being exhausted, but all I have to do is look into the eyes of my gorgeous daughters and I don't care about the work.  It's a wonderful feeling!  It helps that my wife and I support each other and that Grandmom Diane let's us get sleep when we need it.  Speaking of sleep... good night!  Can't keep my eyes opened to post pictures...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two Weeks Old

There's never a dull moment at the Agro house these days! Last night, we took a quick trip to the Emergency Room -- not for the girls -- for their daddy. Joe ran into our ottoman and broke his toe. The doctors sent him home with a fancy shoe and crutches. He's doing just fine, but I bet he's already tired of hearing, "How are you going to take care of twins with crutches?!" I know I've asked him that question at least a dozen times already! So, if you're reading this and you don't have anything to do, come on down and lend us a couple of hands, arms and legs! No reasonable offers of help will be refused (or even questioned).

Joe's mom, Rosalie, also took a trip to the hospital this week - although her visit was for a scheduled shoulder surgery. Everything went well and she is back home. Of course she is very sore and will be out of commission for quite a while! The girls will definitely miss two-armed hugs from Grandma Rosalie for the next couple of months.

Our family to the south also sent someone to the hospital this week. CJ and Ange's chihuahua, Precious, underwent surgery on her leg. I don't think Precious has been sent home yet, so keep her in your thoughts. Grandma CJ (Nonna) actually came up from Alabama last week to visit her friend Sue, who is fighting a courageous battle with cancer. While she was in town, she stopped by to meet her new grand daughters. She was such a great help! Thanks, CJ!

That's enough bad news for a here's some good news -- the girls are doing great! Poppy now weighs 6 lb 10 oz and measures 21 inches. Olive weighs a little over 5 pounds and measures almost 20 inches. Poppy's umbilical cord fell off last night and she has the cutest little belly button! Olive's is hanging on by a thread and should fall off in the next couple of days. Both babies are eating well and as you will see from the pictures, Olive is really starting to fill out! Speaking of pictures:

Pictures of Olive

Pictures of Poppy

Pictures of the Girls

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Pictures and Videos of the Girls

Hello Everyone! Joe did such an awesome job updating the blog during the girls' first couple weeks of life!  I always knew that he would make a great father, but he surprises me every day. He was born to be a daddy. I hope our girls will grow to appreciate how lucky they are to have the most wonderful man in the world as their father.

We have been keeping quite busy. On Monday, we took Olive and Poppy to their first photo session. We wanted to get some professional pictures taken for their birth announcements (which will be sent out as soon as we see the pictures and can get them printed). The girls were semi cooperative and the photographer (Jessica Barnak) got some fantastic shots. I can't wait to see them! Jessica was awesome and we had a great time at her beautiful studio. However, the girls had to be naked for most of the shots, and I don't even want to tell you how many things they peed on -- including their daddy. Let's just say I was so proud that they didn't poo on anything (or anyone).

I wish I was as talented as Jessica, but these pictures and videos will have to suffice for now. Enjoy!


Grandmom Diane dressed Poppy up for a couple of pictures

Poppy doing what she does best -- SLEEP!

A very proud PopPop Lewie with Olive (on the left) and Poppy (on the right)

Me feeding our little Pop Tart

PopPop Lewie and Olive

Poppy and Olive in Grandmom Diane's bed

Olive holding on to her pacifier


This is a picture of Joe and Olive at Jessica Barnak's studio. Joe had to wear a tight black shirt for one of the pictures and Olive was in her pink pettiskirt for another picture. Joe tucked a blanket into his pants in case one of the girls decided to pee on him. Ultimately, it was Poppy who peed on Daddy!
Poppy and Olive -- aren't they so sweet?!


Grandmom Diane and the Girls

PopPop Lewie Learns About Thrush

Poppy's Kissy Face

The Girls' First Outing

Great Grandmom Josephine and Grandmom Rosalie with the Twins